Friday, April 2, 2010

pretty springtime weather...

I always want to post when I have a 40-something, I-want-to-bite-everything-in-sight puppy in my lap, who I have told you is far from being any size that slightly resembles a lap dog. I ramble...

This week has been Spring Break. Thank the good Lord. Any teacher will tell you how much these precious 10 days are needed. Now if only the end of the school year weren't more than 2 months away :/

What have I been doing? Enjoying the incredible weather, playing with munchkins in a creek, drawing with chalk, running (lots of running, but I'd be crazy not to since I had the time and beautiful weather on my side), playing with Chapstick, and doing whatever I wanted. It is kind of sad to think that today is Friday, meaning only 4 more short days until I have to return to school and find out my destiny for next year. BUT, I have successfully put that thought out of my mind and I am only focusing on the enjoying my Spring Break.

Mommie and Daddy went to Charleston for the biggest part of the week. I'm so glad that they had time to spend together and enjoy the springtime weather. BUT, I have to admit, I missed them not being home. Mommie and I generally do stuff together during our breaks, and this week I was left with just myself. Don't get me wrong, it is nice to go where you want and do what you want, but I also enjoy my mom's company. Today I got my Mommie and me time. We went to the outlets, which we always leave wondering why we waste our time because we never see anything. Regardless, we enjoyed wandering around, looking at the things, talking about decorating, getting ideas, and just talking. I know that people say a mother and daughter aren't supposed to be friends because a mother should be a role model (which mine is, completely and totally) but my mommie is my best friend too. She knows everything that happens in my life. Both my parents do. I am guilty of calling them every night, sometimes more than once, just to talk. Ninety-nine percent of the time we don't have any earth shattering news or anything much to talk about, but since my freshman year of college, I have made a habit of talking to my parents every night. It is something, that as I type this brings tears to my eyes, because I know it is something that I feel so blessed to have with my parents. I can talk to them about anything and everything. I know that they are there for me whenever I need them. I love that I have such a close relationship with both of them, and I know one day when they aren't there to talk to, I will have very special memories of knowing that I got to spend quality time with them every single day. To me, that is priceless. It is something especially special for my mom and I, because she did not grow up with the warm and loving family I did. I love that she and I have a special bond that nothing can break; it warms my heart knowing that. I honestly can't put into words how blessed I am to have such incredible parents. Whew, let's wipe the tears away and get to something not so...heavy.

Since I got back from shopping with Mommie, I have spent the afternoon outside with Matt and Chapstick. I got to enjoy a rare event-Matt being home on a weekday BEFORE 730! He decided that he could afford to take a mini-spring break and cut out of work a little bit early today since it was a holiday weekend. While he prepped the backyard for grass seed, I sat in on the steps and drank a Corona and we talked about politics, something we rarely get to do, but both love doing, because during the week we are too exhausted to get into a heated argument about our views and ideas on how we fare as a country. Anyway, after that I bathed Chapstick outside and then spent the rest of the afternoon trying to get a little sun and reading-something I don't always have time to do. I got to finish a book, which I love accomplishing, and just enjoying the gorgeous weather we have had lately. I have spent a lot of time outside this week-running an obscene amount with the pup and just sitting in our chairs and relaxing.

Welp, friends, Matt has come in and it is now time for us to figure out out dinner plans. Have a great night and until next time...

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