Monday, May 10, 2010

It has been a month! Good gracious!

It's been awhile, as my sweet mommie pointed out yesterday. A lot has happened, but nothing ground-breaking. School is almost over (yay!) and summer is on her way. Until the next time, which won't be another month, maybe this will hold you over.

8 TV Shows I Like to Watch

Gossip Girl
Brothers & Sisters
Private Practice
Real Housewives (don't judge me)
House Hunters
Law & Order SVU
The Hills (again, don't judge)

8 Favorite Places to Eat and Drink

Anywhere at the beach!
Oyster Bar
my house
Old Spaghetti Factory (when we can find one)

8 Things I Look Forward To

summer time
the beach!
girls night
family time
snuggling (with Chapstick or Matt)

8 Things that Happened to me Yesterday

went to our home church
ate for Mother's Day, just the 4 of us
talked with the family, just the 4 of us
worked out
went to the grocery store
made Matt dinner (does frozen pizza count?)
watched Brothers & Sisters
Looked for beach houses for this summer

8 Things I am Passionate about..

8 Words or Phrases I Use Often

Wholy Moly.
For real.
"NO!" (to Chapstick all the time)
Will you rub me?
I love you.
Pretty girl (again to Chapstick)
What are you doing?
I don't know what else I say a lot...??

8 Things I Have Learned From the Past

Learn from other's mistakes.
Most of the time my mom is always right.
I have lived (and continue to live) a blessed life.
Don't worry-it doesn't get you anywhere.
Friends are good, even if they come and go.
Enjoy life for what it is, not for what you want it to be.
Stressing gets you no where.

8 Places I Would Like to Visit/See

West Coast wine county
Islands, lots of them

8 Things I Currently Want/Need...
want: clothes
want: car
want: a vacation
need: a vacation
want: school to be OVER
need: cooler weather to return so I can run more
need: more hours in the day
want: more hours in the day

Friday, April 9, 2010


There is nothing better than the following:

- FRIDAY! two days of freedom...
-impromptu supper with mommie and daddy (I really really really love having people over, especially family, because we don't get to see them everyday like we used to now that we are boring ol' married folks)
-knowing that tomorrow at 550am my alarm will not awaken me with its mean, ugly shrill

Hope you enjoyed your Friday as much as I did.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hey baby, I'm a rockstar

It is hard to believe that I have been working for almost an entire school year. I can't believe that spring break is behind me and we have 8 more weeks left. CRAZINESS! One year down, only 29 more to go before retirement. Whew...

This weekend was beautiful. It started Friday with Matt coming home early and getting to spend some time outside. Saturday, Chapstick and I ran around downtown and enjoyed the beautiful morning. I am really enjoying running outside right now because of the beautiful flowers and colors. Everyday there is something new blooming and something else to admire. It is amazing how the world is God's canvas to paint on, and man-oh-man he is an incredible artist. After our run, I came home and grabbed a shower and it was off to run errands with Matt. We had quite the list, which included checking out some patio dining sets. We have been dreaming of sun-drenched evenings with grilled food and a cool breeze for quite sometime now. We have a large back deck that was all but begging to have some company, so after a lot of deliberation and questioning, we broke down and bought one.

Looks pretty good, huh? We are debating an umbrella (Matt thinks it looks naked), but I am afraid that it will take away from being able to eat outside if we are covered up! I like the openness of it.

After our table buying, Matt was feeling generous, so we hopped on over to John Deere Landscaping and bought some shrubs. Our little house was in desperate need of some front yard loving, and we were finally married and sharing a bank account, so investing in some landscaping was finally in the picture. Here is a before of our sweet little home and sad front yard.

We spent some time a while back digging up all the hodgepodge that the owners before us planted (I think she just bought seeds and threw them out at will, because there was no rhyme or reason to the collection we had), so this weekend we just had to dig up the few weeds that had come up and tilled the beds a bit and planted away. It was haaaard work watching Matt do all that, let me tell you ;) He looked good doing it. I was making sure he did it right, and in order to do that, I must watch. I kid, I kid...kinda. I wanted to help, but unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it) we only had one shovel, rake, etc so it was up to Matt to dig away. I would rather him have that responsibility anyway; last time I tried to do any sort of yard work (digging up and trying to create some monkey grass beds in the backyard), the grass only got REPLANTED a day later by Matt and his dad. OOOOH YES, you read that right. MATT AND HIS DAD replanted the grass I spent several hours digging up. It hurt my feelings when I worked so hard only to have it "fixed", therefore, the burden fell on my betrothed to plant the shrubs. He did a good job, as seen below. We aren't quite done yet-we have 4 HUGE scrubby azelas left in the corner and we have yet to determine what large thing to put there to fill the hole that those ugly things currently are filling. Enough rambling, onto Matt's handy work planting...

Bed next to our neighbor's driveway. It has been empty for too long.

Front of the house.

Target always has the cutest, springy doormats, and for super inexpensive too!

Another view of the yard.

While we were out planting Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon we got to meet more of our neighbors and chat with the ones that we haven't seen since last summer (people don't get out as much during the winter). I told Matt Sunday that one of my little wedded bliss fantasies were coming true. I had always imagined being married, out in the front yard gardening, a dog laying in the yard with us, and chatting with neighbors as we worked, and you know what, this weekend every single one of those things happened. Matt and I got to spend time together talking, dreaming, and enjoying each other's company. Chapstick got some good napping in on the cool green clover under our big (and finally sparsely covered with leaves) trees. And we got to meet and chat with neighbors. Matt and I never really grew up in a neighborhood. We don't live in a subdivision, but a neighborhood. Families go on walks and stop to pet Chapstick and say hello. We had some of our older neighbors come by and tell us how much they enjoy having young blood around, and then some just stopped by to shoot the breeze. Regardless, I got to live out a long-lived fantasy/dream/ideal whatever you want to call it. It was pure bliss.

Also Sunday we got to spend time with each of our families for Easter. I wish I had brought my camera to Mommie and Daddy's house. A lot of our family was there celebrating Easter and my Nana's birthday. What I wish I had my camera for was Chapstick's first swim in the lake-she did so well!! Matt and I felt like proud parents knowing that our baby was successful in her first swim and loved it. It was fun watching her leap into the water, chasing sticks, and swimming around trying to figure out where in the world they had gotten to. And if Mack came around (one of my parent's dogs) her in the water, poor Mack, Chapstick would start to wrestle and bite at him. Mack is a bit of a oaf and a baby (despite his massive size) and he did not like someone pouncing all over him in the water. I wish I had pictures of it. Mental note to do that next time.

So now we are to Tuesday evening. Work is back in full-swing and I am thankful to have a job to go to, but I am also thankful to know that the weekend is just 3 days away.

Friday, April 2, 2010

pretty springtime weather...

I always want to post when I have a 40-something, I-want-to-bite-everything-in-sight puppy in my lap, who I have told you is far from being any size that slightly resembles a lap dog. I ramble...

This week has been Spring Break. Thank the good Lord. Any teacher will tell you how much these precious 10 days are needed. Now if only the end of the school year weren't more than 2 months away :/

What have I been doing? Enjoying the incredible weather, playing with munchkins in a creek, drawing with chalk, running (lots of running, but I'd be crazy not to since I had the time and beautiful weather on my side), playing with Chapstick, and doing whatever I wanted. It is kind of sad to think that today is Friday, meaning only 4 more short days until I have to return to school and find out my destiny for next year. BUT, I have successfully put that thought out of my mind and I am only focusing on the enjoying my Spring Break.

Mommie and Daddy went to Charleston for the biggest part of the week. I'm so glad that they had time to spend together and enjoy the springtime weather. BUT, I have to admit, I missed them not being home. Mommie and I generally do stuff together during our breaks, and this week I was left with just myself. Don't get me wrong, it is nice to go where you want and do what you want, but I also enjoy my mom's company. Today I got my Mommie and me time. We went to the outlets, which we always leave wondering why we waste our time because we never see anything. Regardless, we enjoyed wandering around, looking at the things, talking about decorating, getting ideas, and just talking. I know that people say a mother and daughter aren't supposed to be friends because a mother should be a role model (which mine is, completely and totally) but my mommie is my best friend too. She knows everything that happens in my life. Both my parents do. I am guilty of calling them every night, sometimes more than once, just to talk. Ninety-nine percent of the time we don't have any earth shattering news or anything much to talk about, but since my freshman year of college, I have made a habit of talking to my parents every night. It is something, that as I type this brings tears to my eyes, because I know it is something that I feel so blessed to have with my parents. I can talk to them about anything and everything. I know that they are there for me whenever I need them. I love that I have such a close relationship with both of them, and I know one day when they aren't there to talk to, I will have very special memories of knowing that I got to spend quality time with them every single day. To me, that is priceless. It is something especially special for my mom and I, because she did not grow up with the warm and loving family I did. I love that she and I have a special bond that nothing can break; it warms my heart knowing that. I honestly can't put into words how blessed I am to have such incredible parents. Whew, let's wipe the tears away and get to something not so...heavy.

Since I got back from shopping with Mommie, I have spent the afternoon outside with Matt and Chapstick. I got to enjoy a rare event-Matt being home on a weekday BEFORE 730! He decided that he could afford to take a mini-spring break and cut out of work a little bit early today since it was a holiday weekend. While he prepped the backyard for grass seed, I sat in on the steps and drank a Corona and we talked about politics, something we rarely get to do, but both love doing, because during the week we are too exhausted to get into a heated argument about our views and ideas on how we fare as a country. Anyway, after that I bathed Chapstick outside and then spent the rest of the afternoon trying to get a little sun and reading-something I don't always have time to do. I got to finish a book, which I love accomplishing, and just enjoying the gorgeous weather we have had lately. I have spent a lot of time outside this week-running an obscene amount with the pup and just sitting in our chairs and relaxing.

Welp, friends, Matt has come in and it is now time for us to figure out out dinner plans. Have a great night and until next time...

Monday, March 22, 2010

In the ZONE

In the afternoons when Chapstick and I go running, I always plan on using that time to mull over something that I haven't had a lot of time to think about. I always have these big plans for figuring out a solution to whatever problem I am currently facing, but once I start running, I somehow forget everything that is around me, and zone out. When I am coming up the street at the end of our run, I think to myself, "Dangit, I meant to think about _____." I then try to remember what I was thinking about during our run, but I can never remember. I love that my body and God knows that for that 45 minutes, I need to shut down my thinking and just run. I think that's why I love doing it so much-I love that it is complete "me" time. I love that I can space out with my headphones on, and the whole world just melts away; I don't have anything to worry about except for taking my next step. It is a beautiful thing, and I mean that with total honesty.

I was noticing today while we were running, that spring has sprung. The buds on the trees are swelling just a little bit more and there are tulips starting to come up with the daffodils. Mommie and I have always talked about how much we love the beginning of spring, right when everything turns green. We both love how bight and vivid the colors are and how refreshing it is in comparison to the dreary winter scenes we have been used to for the last 3 months.

Speaking of which-the spring break countdown is at 4 days. I am looking forward to having a handful of days to chill out and do what I want. I am really hoping that Chapstick and I can do some serious gardening, which is interesting because I have always hated the idea of plants and flowers, mainly because Matt and I don't like taking care of them. We had kind of decided we didn't want kids because we would have to take care of them (pitiful, I know). But since having Chapstick, I have discovered that I enjoy taking care of something else; I like knowing that I am needed and I am responsible for another little life. I have gotten such joy from taking care of our little baby, so I feel like maybe the outside of our house can use some sprucing up, and I will be successful at keeping all the plants alive, too. I have these images in my head of summer afternoons spent in the front yard with a slight breeze, Chapstick snoozing in the yard (yeah right, that dog would be darting all over the place and running away) as I tend to our flower beds. Nice thought, huh?

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Can I tell you how much I LOVE this bag!

I'm singin' in the rain, oh what glorious feeling

I hate to say that I hate Sundays, but I do. I often find myself unable to enjoy the day because I am thinking about everything I have to do during the upcoming week. Matt hates when I remind him that we have to go back to work. That's something I should work on, enjoying each day for what it is, not worrying about yesterday or tomorrow. I'll let you know how that goes.

Friday was a beautiful start to our weekend. It was 70 degrees out, the start of my weekend, and almost the first day of spring. How did I celebrate? Shopping. After spending several weeks now stuck in a blah because of the perpetually rainy and cloudy weather, at the first hint of spring, I was ready to ditch my winter duds and find some brightly colored tops. Did I? Oh you bet I did. Let me just thank J.Crew for all their goodness; I can honestly say that their is rarely a time when I don't want to buy the store out. I came home a little poorer, but a lot cuter, and ready to don my snazzy spring outfits!

After feeling guilty for not getting home earlier, thinking poor Chapstick is probably about to go nuts without a run AND supper (my baby is used to the nice little routine that we have) Matt and I made it home and grilled out to celebrate springtime! I put on my shorts and played with the pup in the backyard until dark-thirty. While we were outside I felt a little crafty, so I decided to cut some of our Daffodils and put them in the house. Fresh flowers, inside, make a house feel a little bit fancier. Matt and I have really loved bringing a little bit of springtime inside.

We also watched What About the Morgan's? Friday night. NOT a good movie. I love SJP, but this wasn't one of her best movies.

Saturday we were supposed to be making window boxes, but Matt told me Friday afternoon that he didn't have time to figure the materials out in time to get them, so that project has been put off to next weekend. Which is fine, because I have also decided that I want to start getting a yard into shape and with a week of freedom (luxury of being a teacher: spring break), I should have plenty of time to play.

So instead I cleaned, and then Matt treated our Adirondack chairs outside and Chapstick and I watched. It was so beautiful that we just enjoyed kind of hanging out and not doing anything for a while. I ran errands that afternoon and then Chapstick and I went for a nice long run. Matt's sister invited us to dinner at her house, so we headed over there. We had a lot of fun hanging out and getting to spend some time outside, grilling out, and enjoying the company of family.

This morning we got up and went to church (we are in the process of finding a new church home-something bigger that has more to offer us) and we to the nearly/newly married class. It. was. incredible. There was a good sized group there and we both loved the series that they have started. It is called Marriage on the Rock, and it is all about starting your marriage off on the right path with God, and how to give each other what is needed as husband and wife.

This afternoon I have snoozed with my baby (Chapstick, not Matt-he was out) and enjoyed the rainy afternoon, just the two of us. Matt and I constantly talk about how lucky we are to have such a great dog-even though she does have her moments, and we have holes in our clothes, broken shoelaces, ripped screen doors and windows to prove it-because she loves us and loves to cuddle. When she's inside with us, she is our shadow, and when we are watching TV or on the computer, as I am now, she wants to be laying on you or right next to you. She has recently discovered that she can lay in my lap while I am at the computer; she's obviously confused as to how big she is and that she is not a lap dog. Proof...

Well, that about sums out our weekend. Have a great Sunday evening-we're out to burn some energy with Chapstick-she's stir crazy.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Yes it is the weekend. Well, almost. Friday's make me long for my college days; no Friday classes were a Godsend. Oh well, those days are long gone.

Since Wednesday, the week has been pretty normal. Matt and I headed downtown for St. Patty's with a group of our friends. It was a surprise visit by the group, but it turned out to be a nice mid-week escape. We ate pizza and had some festive green drinks and caught up on our married lives. It is fun for Matt and I to hear how other married couples our age are dealing with different situations. I'm a nosey girl, so I love hearing about the ups and downs of everyone's lives. After dinner, everyone came over to our house and we played Truth or Dare (and Dirty Truth or Dare) on a friend's new phone, a Driod. I'm a big tech-y and love new gadgets. I am a lover of all things Apple, and I would have an iPhone if we didn't use Verizon, but I have to admit that Droid was pretty impressive. It had some weird apps (different guns you could shoot? a Family Guy app-which Matt loved) and one was the Truth or Dare game. This particular group enjoys playing the dirty version of games (which aren't all that dirty), so we had a good time.

This weekend Matt and I are going to enjoy some outside time ,with the 70-something degree weather, with Chapstick. I am hoping that there will be some window-box building going on as well. I saw in Southern Living this month some amazing window-boxes in Charleston, and I decided that that was exactly what we needed for our front windows. Maybe I will have pictures to post next week...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Joining the blogging world take 2

I wish I could say this was my first time blogging, but that would be a lie. All of my friends and I were avid bloggers in college. For some reason or another, we quit, but now I'm ready to jump back in.

Blogging has been sitting heavy on me for a while now. I am a blog reading addict-as in most of my conversations begin with, "This blog I was reading..." My googlereader brings me joy when it updates and I have something new to read. I subscribe to maybe 40 or 50 blogs about all sorts of things: design, homes, lives, babies, photography, gossip...the list goes on.

I don't live a particularly glamorous or exciting life. If you had caught me two years ago, it would have been a different story. I was recently engaged, planning a wedding, buying a house, remodeling a house, and graduating from college. All at the same time. Intense. Since then, well, life has settled down. I'm an old married lady now (joking, today we've been married for 5 months) with an incredible husband, our perfect little house, and adorable lab puppy, Chapstick. Life is good. I've been blessed to know my husband for the last 10-ish years and to grow up together. We now look forward to growing old together.

This blog will be about nothing in particular. I'll talk about life, our house, Chapstick (a lot, she's my baby!), my job (which I hope I will get to keep...getting worried though), our travels, my crazy students, and whatever else comes to mind...

On the topic of jobs. I was so blessed last year to get a job right out of school. With the economy being as it is and educational funding taking a nosedive, I was worried I would be unemployed. But, the good Lord blessed me with an incredible opportunity at the school where I wanted to be. I interviewed a year ago today (how corny for me to remember). I spent an agonizing summer waiting to find out if the funding for my position would come through and at the end of July, I happily signed my contract. Since then, I have dove headfirst into the lovely land of sophomore high school English. Sometimes I love what I do; some days I'm not so crazy about it. I work in a Title 1 school with students from challenging home lives and backgrounds; I felt a huge calling to be at my school for this reason. I wanted to have the opportunity to change lives and impact students in a way that they might not get elsewhere. I wanted to give them stability and something to look forward to (Ha! What kid looks forward to school? Nerds like me, that's who). I have learned more in the last 7 months than I did spending 4 years in college. My eyes and heart have been opened to a world that I knew existed, but had no true understanding of. I stand to believe that these kids have taught me more about the world and myself, than I will ever be able to teach them. I have struggled with issues that arise in my classroom everyday, but then I remember why I am here. I remember what I was put here to do. I am here to give them my heart, my love, my ear, my attention, and my spirit foremost, and secondly, I am here to give them the greatest education I can. I forget that a lot. I have to remind myself when I start complaining that I am not here for me, I am here for all 60-something of my babies.

All that to say, I may not have a job next year. The funding for my school district has been cut gradually over the last several years and it looks like this coming year, we are going to be hit hard. I worry for myself, of course, because I have bills to pay! A lot of bills to pay. I have complained a lot about my job. It is hard; harder than I ever realized it would be. I am great at finding fault in things, and I fall prey of that almost nightly on the phone with Mommie, but honestly, I love what I do. Sure there are a million glamorous and fancy things I would rather do, but I really enjoy working with these kids everyday. I feel blessed to hang out with 60 of my friends, on a daily basis; I'm a lucky girl! So pray from me, for my school, my students, and for our school district as we begin to pare down the unnecessaries (hoping I am not one of them).

On the upside, Matt, Chapstick, and I are doing fabulous. I think to myself every night as I cook supper, "How lucky we are to have such a sweet little family." Matt and I have been lucky to start our lives together with such incredible blessings from both of our families. We have a cute little house (Thanks Pottery Barn and Uncle Sam-we love the new homeowner tax credit), a new kitchen (thank you Daddy), no student loans to be paid back (thank you Mommie, Daddy, Barry, and Patti), one car payment, and one absolutely-precious-adorable-too-cute-for-words-I-just-want-to-love-all-over-her puppy, Chapstick. She joined us a month ago today (for some reason the 17 of the month in general, is big for us. We were engaged on the 17, married on the 17, got puppy on the 17...must be our "lucky" number).

So that's our life right now in a nut shell. I am excited to be blogging again, and I look forward to sharing our little life with you in the time to come...