Sunday, March 21, 2010

I'm singin' in the rain, oh what glorious feeling

I hate to say that I hate Sundays, but I do. I often find myself unable to enjoy the day because I am thinking about everything I have to do during the upcoming week. Matt hates when I remind him that we have to go back to work. That's something I should work on, enjoying each day for what it is, not worrying about yesterday or tomorrow. I'll let you know how that goes.

Friday was a beautiful start to our weekend. It was 70 degrees out, the start of my weekend, and almost the first day of spring. How did I celebrate? Shopping. After spending several weeks now stuck in a blah because of the perpetually rainy and cloudy weather, at the first hint of spring, I was ready to ditch my winter duds and find some brightly colored tops. Did I? Oh you bet I did. Let me just thank J.Crew for all their goodness; I can honestly say that their is rarely a time when I don't want to buy the store out. I came home a little poorer, but a lot cuter, and ready to don my snazzy spring outfits!

After feeling guilty for not getting home earlier, thinking poor Chapstick is probably about to go nuts without a run AND supper (my baby is used to the nice little routine that we have) Matt and I made it home and grilled out to celebrate springtime! I put on my shorts and played with the pup in the backyard until dark-thirty. While we were outside I felt a little crafty, so I decided to cut some of our Daffodils and put them in the house. Fresh flowers, inside, make a house feel a little bit fancier. Matt and I have really loved bringing a little bit of springtime inside.

We also watched What About the Morgan's? Friday night. NOT a good movie. I love SJP, but this wasn't one of her best movies.

Saturday we were supposed to be making window boxes, but Matt told me Friday afternoon that he didn't have time to figure the materials out in time to get them, so that project has been put off to next weekend. Which is fine, because I have also decided that I want to start getting a yard into shape and with a week of freedom (luxury of being a teacher: spring break), I should have plenty of time to play.

So instead I cleaned, and then Matt treated our Adirondack chairs outside and Chapstick and I watched. It was so beautiful that we just enjoyed kind of hanging out and not doing anything for a while. I ran errands that afternoon and then Chapstick and I went for a nice long run. Matt's sister invited us to dinner at her house, so we headed over there. We had a lot of fun hanging out and getting to spend some time outside, grilling out, and enjoying the company of family.

This morning we got up and went to church (we are in the process of finding a new church home-something bigger that has more to offer us) and we to the nearly/newly married class. It. was. incredible. There was a good sized group there and we both loved the series that they have started. It is called Marriage on the Rock, and it is all about starting your marriage off on the right path with God, and how to give each other what is needed as husband and wife.

This afternoon I have snoozed with my baby (Chapstick, not Matt-he was out) and enjoyed the rainy afternoon, just the two of us. Matt and I constantly talk about how lucky we are to have such a great dog-even though she does have her moments, and we have holes in our clothes, broken shoelaces, ripped screen doors and windows to prove it-because she loves us and loves to cuddle. When she's inside with us, she is our shadow, and when we are watching TV or on the computer, as I am now, she wants to be laying on you or right next to you. She has recently discovered that she can lay in my lap while I am at the computer; she's obviously confused as to how big she is and that she is not a lap dog. Proof...

Well, that about sums out our weekend. Have a great Sunday evening-we're out to burn some energy with Chapstick-she's stir crazy.

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